Delicious Tahitian Food

In my last post, I mentioned that I saved money in Tahiti by buying groceries and eating at local restaurants in town.

So, did I miss those overpriced resort meals?

Not a chance. I was more than satisfied with the delectable island cuisine, which melded French and Polynesian flavors.

My one indulgence at the hotel was a savory bowl of French onion soup in the wee hours of morning New Year’s Day. The hotel set up a table with the soup, bread, and different kinds of cheese for guests to snack on as we welcomed in the New Year. Now, that’s a tradition I might just have to adopt…

19 thoughts on “Delicious Tahitian Food

  1. Oh my, you certainly didn’t miss out on anything! You just made me really hungry and I already finished my dinner. Here is a question for you about eating while traveling. For me I also like to eat at local restaurants. Have you ever gotten ill eating street food? Any rules you live by when it comes to sampling the local food?

    • maryrichardson

      Dear Matt,
      I like my food abroad, that’s for sure… as far as not getting sick from street food, I usually have good luck. I’ve eaten lots of stuff around the world from nice restaurants to local market stalls, and in my view, it’s not that the food is unsanitary or cooked poorly, but the microbes in it are just different and that’s to be expected. I guess I follow the typical guidelines- drink bottled water, avoid rare meats, etc. I almost always eat vegetables though! I do take along immodium and sometimes have a delayed reaction when I return home.

  2. Ashley

    Good heavens! That sounds absolutely…I have no words left after exclaiming.
    When I went to Mumbai a few years back, a friend told me to make sure I tried the food there! Ever since then, I’ve become a complete fan of Indian food! Most delicious curry in the world!
    I wander a lot when I travel, and when I wandered down a street market selling herbs and spices in Mumbai, my mouth started to water. When I came back to the States, I enjoyed making my friends jealous telling them of that smell whenever they ordered Indian takeout!

    • maryrichardson

      Mumbai is somewhere I really want to go! I hope you bought some of the spices… that’s one of my favorite little treats when I travel. Bringing them home makes me feel like I’m recreating the whole experience in my own country, although my cooking usually lacks something authentic!

      • Ashley

        As a matter of fact, I did bring some home. 🙂
        I can cook, but unfortunately not foreign. It turns into a disaster. Disaster would be an understatement.

  3. You missed out on nothing and then some – wow oh wow! I am especially ogling that poisson cru. I love that all that French influence found it’s way into the cuisine, yet the Polynesian flair remained, and it became something rather unique. It reminds me a little of how all the various immigrant cultures found their way into the native Polynesian food in Hawaii, and created something completely new.

  4. Just discovered your blog which is my kind of blog. In fat, I’m thinking of joining the Peace Corps with my husband. We lived in Belize for a year with our three sons and having traveled as a child: Africa, France, UK, Denmark, and now California, I’m ready to travel to new adventures.

    • maryrichardson

      Dear Preeti,
      I’m sure it is challenging in some places to find vegetarian meals. I think you’d do okay in Tahiti as they had an abundance of fresh salads!

  5. You took me back to Moorea with the poisson cru, and to Bora Bora with the tuna steaks! How fresh is the seafood there. I remember eating swordfish in the evening after seeing a local catch it and bring it in. I miss Tahiti!

  6. Pingback: The Young and The Restless: Five Emerging Blogs In Adventure & Lifestyle Design | Ryan Goes Abroad

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